Validator Info

Name: Sentinel - Securing the network - 🔥High Rewards - Minimum Fee🔥
Address: one19ds435t02h5wezlarqpus7w8s9chf3xtkw0d9l
Validator Details: With Sentinel protection, we ensure the highest level of security and stability for the network. Join us in safeguarding the future of the blockchain. Always MINIMUM fee.
Total Delegations: 32,427,094.80 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 1,404,210.89 ONE
Active Status: Active
Elected Status: True
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 100%
Max Change Rate: 100%
Identity: a5e89047646c72dc6a1580c20295f4120c8147f0
Security Contact Email: CONTACT
Creation Height: 64383996

Delegator Info

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