Name: Moto Trust - Always Lowest Comission
Address: one1c4w9danpa5v9zqurnl07lkqdcwyn3yfm86anqu
Validator Details: Located in South-East Asia, running on our VPS and DC colocation. Delegate with Us for decentralization
Total Delegations: 19,590,188.55 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 12,959,365.01 ONE
Active Status: Active
Elected Status: True
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 30%
Max Change Rate: 10%
Identity: d31de168-0f4e-4aa5-ab90-03f2b4547fc1
Security Contact Email:
Creation Height: 3359368
Please wait while we fetch the delegation information. This may take awhile if you have many delegators...