Name: KRATOS 💙
Address: one1mxjrugqety8t6v23m3et0j4zfussf4v8ktycur
Validator Details: Believer of Harmony | Top validator since Mainnet | Twitter (16K+ followers), Reddit & Telegram promoting Harmony w/ 💙 & soul since DAY ONE | Helping validators ecosystem grow from 50 to 100+
Total Delegations: 76,538,164.40 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 48,285,960.90 ONE
Active Status: Active
Elected Status: True
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 17%
Max Change Rate: 10%
Identity: b469a26fbf541d790815df0a2da6e1c0f8dc1b74
Security Contact Email:
Creation Height: 3862780
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