Validator Info

Name: Unifi Protocol Dao
Address: one1nef0c8kgy30delcckf87jaegdp7s7ntrknvajj
Validator Details: Unifi Protocol offers stakers on multiple blockchains the unique opportunity to participate in DeFi and PoS staking at the same time by having the option to claim rewards in UP, the utility token with a rising redeem value 100% backed by node rewards and trading fees.
Total Delegations: 1,478,797.46 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 16,318,256.59 ONE
Active Status: Inactive
Elected Status: False
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 100%
Max Change Rate: 100%
Identity: e33036c81c7caeb32ed8932985a3d49c9bab01a3
Security Contact Email: Juliun
Creation Height: 3358749

Delegator Info

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