Name: CoinChowder 🇦🇺 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Address: one1nf50jmyvckd0795mu4qhm6zfxppesulafejzvl
Validator Details: CoinChowder Harmony One Validator. Run by a crypto enthusiast/loyal community member of the Harmony One network. Also an admin of the ONEMOON community.
Total Delegations: 234,478.59 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 1,045,932.57 ONE
Active Status: Inactive
Elected Status: False
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 12%
Max Change Rate: 5%
Identity: 9fd9caa7eb3177c9389128f393273fbc59bddc49
Security Contact Email: CoinChowder
Creation Height: 16975473
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