Name: Legion - the ONE who is many | High Self Stake | Highest Uptime
Address: one1r2lx24n0fpfch7cqyhccekqfd6dk79f0wqw7p4
Validator Details: We're using redundancy system to provide the best uptime and rewards to our delegators. Our high self stake is our guarantee that we are committed to have a stable and performing validator
Total Delegations: 115,366,458.29 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 26,839,873.44 ONE
Active Status: Active
Elected Status: True
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 17%
Max Change Rate: 10%
Identity: 4ef7f4d0d7553a5debf268fdc8606759e3e0e561
Security Contact Email:
Creation Height: 18032652
Please wait while we fetch the delegation information. This may take awhile if you have many delegators...