Validator Info

Name: Fortune ⭐️ #1 Validator 🥇 Min Fee ⚡️ 49m Rewards! ⚡️
Address: one1v0n7nw6c4fe88xnuasr0d65luult0fvclvvxmf
Validator Details: #1 with 3,200+ delegators. 1️⃣ Stable validator with a robust redundancy system. 2️⃣ Developer of vStatsBot, a validator monitoring tool. 3️⃣ Auto shard balancing for optimised rewards. 4️⃣ Delegators interests in mind.
Total Delegations: 143,619,384.40 ONE
Lifetime Rewards: 50,145,831.91 ONE
Active Status: Active
Elected Status: True
Rate: 7%
Max Rate: 12%
Max Change Rate: 5%
Identity: 782c51522e23a559d689c37597964b22e0a448bb
Security Contact Email: Fortune.ONE
Creation Height: 10345156

Delegator Info

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